🎥 How to tell a story like a native English speaker Do you want to tell interesting stories? Telling an engaging story is a social skill that anyone can learn. I’ll give you some phrases you can memorise and use to tell better stories in English. Stories are important to help us understand ourselves and the world around us. One way to view our identities is as a collection of stories. In this video, I break the art of storytelling down into different topics that people tell stories about most often. I’ll share some of my personal stories from my own life to give you examples of how to tell a good story in English. Most people have a set of stories that they like to tell. For me personally, there are some stories that I have told people hundreds of times! I suggest you practice your most common stories in English because you will definitely use them in a social situations with English speakers. Having your story prepared in English will mean that you can tell it much better, and that your audience will enjoy it more by laughing in the right place, or by feeling the emotion you want them to feel, such as surprise or sadness. 🎬 Полный каталог видеоуроков от Визуального английского ➡ vk.com/learnenglish?w=page-36775085_50074729

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